World Pancreatic Cancer Day

World Pancreatic Cancer Day

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Canadian PRECEDE Sites Join Casper-PANC

Canadian PRECEDE Sites Join Casper-PANC

As part of the Canadian Strategy for Personalized Management of Pancreatic Cancer [Casper-PANC], the three participating Canadian PRECEDE Sites [the University Health Network/Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, the McGill University Health Centre, and the British Columbia Cancer Research Institute] among other Canadian cancer research centers, have received $7.5M over 5 years [Jan 2023 to Dec 2027] from the Canadian Cancer Society to address unmet clinical needs in pancreatic cancer care, with $1.2M directed towards early detection studies.
Casper-PANC is leading the Canadian contribution to the ongoing international PRECEDE Consortium.



The Brenden-Colson Center for Pancreatic Care at OHSU BCCPC recently received notice of U01 funding for the “validation of novel imaging and molecular tests for early detection of pancreatic cancer through risk-stratified community engagement programs”. This program establishes a Pancreatic Cancer Detection Consortium (PCDC) Research Unit in collaboration with 6 Universities/Institutes across the country. The objective of the PCDC is to develop and test new molecular and imaging biomarkers for early detection of pancreatic cancer and its precursor lesions to identify high-risk individuals eligible for early intervention.

Annual December Meeting and Biomarker Summit

Annual December Meeting and Biomarker Summit

The PRECEDE consortium is excited to announce the dates of our fourth annual meeting! It will be held on December 7th in Roosevelt Island, NYC and will be followed by our inaugural PRECEDE Early Detection Biomarker Summit. We look forward to convening with the leading researchers in the field.